Library of Professional Development Trainings

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Professional Development Trainings Included in the Library: 

- Youth Suicide: “A Silent Epidemic” 
- Mental Health Issues Surrounding Suicidal Ideation 
- Prevention is the Key 
- The History of Suicide Prevention 
- Bullying and Suicide 
- Non-Suicidal Self-Injury 
- Childhood and Teen Depression for Educators 
- Suicide Postvention: The Critical Role of Educators 
- Supporting LGBT Students in Schools: Suicide Prevention Among LGBT Youth 
- Suicide Prevention in Challenging Times 
- Suicide Contagion and Clusters 

The Library also includes our student curriculum, “A Promise for Tomorrow,” which underwent a major revision in 2022. The curriculum presents a positive look at how students can help friends who may be depressed or having suicidal thoughts. It aims to provide the information and strategies needed to be a lifesaving influence. The program is designed to be used within a school’s current Health and Wellness program for grades 7-12.

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